Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mulin' in the Mountains

On Independence Monday, with not much work to do, we headed to the mountains. Chris and Dustin had rented some mules for a job. The rental place was closed in observance of Independence Day, so we got a fun freebie.

We drove all day on four-wheeling trails through the pine trees. We passed some beautiful overlooks in between some fun rock-crawling and old logging relics.

Both mules had truck beds, so we had plenty to eat from the coolers. For lunch we carved our own roasting sticks for hotdogs, brats and s'mores.

Chris, Sarah and the boys had a two-row mule. Henry did surprisingly well in the front pack and also belted in with the car seat. At lunch he took a nap in the Pack n' Play.

As opposed to four-wheelers, we liked being able to talk sitting next to each other. It was a wonderfully enjoyable day.

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